I Have 12 Questions Podcast - Conversations About the Sober Life

A podcast about Trudging the Road to Happy Freaking Destiny! Interviews and random soliloquies where we laugh, cry, complain, explore, and learn. All are welcome, No exceptions. Including those who are not in recovery but perhaps know or love someone with addiction issues or just want to learn more. Along with experts and practitioners who help people work through addictions and behaviors they want to change. These conversations will span limitless topics and though will be through the lens of sobriety, are still universally human. Love, loss. grief, excitement, parenting, outside issues, purpose, God stuff, etc. In the words of the great Ted Lasso (by way of Walt Whitman), ”I want to be curious, not judgmental.” So, we’ll be talking to people who have found sobriety, recovery, perspective shifts regardless of their path. Radical acceptance and inclusivity of ourselves and everyone else. Happy trudging!

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56 minutes ago

Hey sober family and our entire listener community! Thanks as always for being here to share and to receive our recovery stories. It means a lot.  Our next guest was referred to me by our last guest, actually a friend named Julie out of Denver.  So, we do not know each other which I think always opens the conversation to a different flavor.  She’s an interventionist, which alone is wild to me to think about.  You can find her online at https://adrunkwhisperer.com/ to learn more about her personally as well as the services she offers.  There’s a great video about the process on her site which I found very informative, and she shares her own personal story by way of her speaker tape which can be accessed there as well.  She’s got a ton of successes and credentials under her belt and she herself is also in recovery for over 25 years!
Started private practice in 2015                    
Keith Bradley's Intervention workshop in the Love First model also using a Spiritual Perspective 2016
Spends much of her free time mentoring women in recovery in all walks of life
Regularly taught relapse prevention at Excelsior girls’ facility for 13–19-year-old adolescents prior to the school closure in 2017
Inspirational and motivational speaker worldwide
Peer Coach training through PCA and CCAR.
NCPRSS National Certified Peer Recovery Support Specialist through NAADAC
NCIP Nationally Certified Intervention Professional 
Her episode will be available on Valentine’s Day wherever you get your podcasts and/or YouTube. Thanks for your support as always!
A reminder that links to all platforms are available at the podcast's website:  https://www.ihave12questions.com/
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Friday Jan 03, 2025

I can’t think of a more joyful way to wrap up Season 3 and the year 2024 than with this amazing woman.  Our guest this episode is someone I adore for many reasons.  I met her as the Yoga teacher at my studio and was immediately drawn to her energy.  To be fair I don’t know a whole lot about her outside of her being my favorite yoga teacher, but that’s why we’re here today to hear about her recovery story and learn new things together.  Her name is Alaska Barnes and she has a lot of wisdom, love and laid-back energy to share.    
Her episode will be available wherever you get your podcasts and/or YouTube. Thanks for your support as always!
Links to all platforms available at show site:  https://www.ihave12questions.com/
#addictionrecovery #addiction #alcoholfree #alcoholism #sobriety #recovery #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #therapy #habits #healing #trauma #recovery #sobercurious #soberish #sobriety #goals #selflove #alcoholicsanonymous #12stepprograms #recoverysupport #dwi #dui #grief #loss #isolation #religiosity #findamentalist #dogma #inclusion #secularism #agnosticism #tolerance #allarewelcome #freethinkers #secularAA #secularrecovery #yoga #selflove #healing #sobercurious #soberish #mentalhealth #lifecoach #sobriety #goals #selflove #mentalhealthawareness #health #fitness #mentalclarity #physicalhealth #longevity #harmreduction #alcoholicsanonymous #womeninrecovery #selfcare #therapyconsciousness #aca #yoga

Friday Dec 20, 2024

Hey sober family and our entire listener community. Our next guest is someone I met when I lived in Denver.  She’s one of those women who you just know isn’t messing around...she’s serious about recovery and helping other women.  Period.  My kinda people.  I nicknamed her Bling soon after meeting her because she’s always sparkling with jewels and bedazzles but also her spirit is full of light and the kind of joy you can't fake.  She’s a tough love type and it comes from a place of knowing how deadly addiction can be for some of us.  She always said work this program like your life depends on….because it does.  I learned so much from her and in a new city only a couple of years into recovery at the time she made me feel safe and like I had a friend in my new sober community in Colorado.  She’s a joy and I can’t wait to share her with y’all!
Her episode is available December 20, 2024 wherever you get your podcasts and/or YouTube. Thanks for your support as always!
Links to all platforms available at show site:  https://www.ihave12questions.com/
#addictionrecovery #addiction #alcoholfree #alcoholism #sobriety #recovery #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #therapy #habits #healing #trauma #recovery #sobercurious #soberish #sobriety #goals #selflove #alcoholicsanonymous #12stepprograms #recoverysupport #dwi #dui #grief #loss #isolation #coach #sobrietycoach #recoverycoach #sobermom #soberparenting

Friday Nov 15, 2024

Hey sober family and our entire listener community. Our next guest is someone I met when I lived in Denver.  She’s one of the funniest and most unassuming people ever.  I nicknamed her Handler soon after being around her because she’s so funny and doesn’t even try to be.  She’s sober, a Mom, a wife, a woman just doing the deal.  One of my favorite things about her is her honesty.  I detest fake people and so when I meet someone who is just real it makes me feel at ease.  Not to mention our obsessive love of "Gangsta Rap" and filthy lyrics bonds us forever.
Her episode is available November 15, 2024 wherever you get your podcasts and/or YouTube. Thanks for your support as always!
Links to all platforms available at show site:  https://www.ihave12questions.com/
#addictionrecovery #addiction #alcoholfree #alcoholism #sobriety #recovery #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #therapy #habits #healing #trauma #recovery #sobercurious #soberish #sobriety #goals #selflove #alcoholicsanonymous #12stepprograms #recoverysupport #dwi #dui #grief #loss #isolation #coach #sobrietycoach #recoverycoach #sobermom #soberparenting #counseling #trauma

Friday Oct 18, 2024

Hey sober family and our entire listener community. Today’s guest is someone I don’t know personally but do follow and learn from.  Anna is a Coach who helps others reframe their mindset around drinking.  For 20 years, she drank daily, thinking nothing of finishing a bottle of wine in the evening. At the time, she believed the alcohol was helping her cope with the stresses of everyday life, but her drinking left her feeling exhausted, ashamed and unhappy.  She said “I just knew I couldn't carry on. I knew I was addicted but I didn't know what to do about it, and I felt an enormous amount of shame.”
One night, during one of the daily panic attacks she would experience because of her drinking, she typed ‘Am I an alcoholic?’ into Google and the results included a book called This Naked Mind by Annie Grace. Reading the book, which focuses on finding freedom through alcohol control rather than total sobriety, was a lightbulb moment for Anna.
By spending time understanding WHY she was drinking, she was eventually able to give up alcohol completely and her journey inspired her to become an alcohol mindset coach. The 53-year-old from Gloucestershire has now launched her own podcast called The Big Drink Rethink to get people talking openly and honestly about alcohol.  Please check her offerings out at https://www.thebeliefscoach.com/
I learned SO much from this conversation and will be using her guidance moving forward in my day to day.  One such nugget was it’s not about asking how “bad” is my relationship with alcohol but instead is my life as good as it could be right now given the nature of that relationship?  This is an evolved view to me.  Rock bottom isn’t the price of admission like some people believe.  It’s more about what limitations could it be putting on my potential or happiness and let’s get into the why behind why it’s that way.  Her episode is available October 18, 2024 wherever you get your podcasts and/or YouTube. Thanks for your support as always!
Links to all platforms available at show site:  https://www.ihave12questions.com/
#addictionrecovery #addiction #alcoholfree #alcoholism #sobriety #recovery #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #therapy #habits #healing #trauma #recovery #sobercurious #soberish #sobriety #goals #selflove #alcoholicsanonymous #12stepprograms #recoverysupport #dwi #dui #grief #loss #isolation #coach #sobrietycoach #recoverycoach

Friday Sep 13, 2024

Hey sober family and our entire listener community! Our guest today has so much to offer and from yet another unique perspective and experience which is what this show is all about.  Her name is Sally Magee and she’s an engineer, a Gallup-certified Strengths Coach, management leadership consultant and an accredited sobriety coach as well. 
Her sobriety coaching business is called Magee Coaching Solutions and you can learn more about that at https://www.mageecoaching.com/ where she offers a judgment-free zone to transform your relationship with alcohol.  She offers assistance and tools whether you’re sober-curious or sober-serious no matter where you are on your path. 
If you’re interested in her other coaching services in the professional realm check out http://www.mageeleadership.com/ to build peak-performance teams and develop high-impact leaders
Her episode is available this Friday, September 13, 2024 wherever you get your podcasts and/or YouTube. Thanks for your support as always!  Links to all podcast platforms available at show site:  https://www.ihave12questions.com/
#addictionrecovery #addiction #alcoholfree #alcoholism #sobriety #recovery #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #therapy #habits #healing #trauma #recovery #sobercurious #soberish #sobriety #goals #selflove #alcoholicsanonymous #12stepprograms #recoverysupport #dwi #dui #grief #loss #isolation #consulting #coach #sobrietycoach

Saturday Aug 10, 2024

Happy day to our loyal listener community and thanks as always for joining!  Our guest today is John Durham and he's known for his intellect, positivity, love and respect for everyone and a wild enthusiasm for recovery, nature and lifting others up.  We've known each other via text thread with our close and mutual friend, Mel.  On this episode we get to know him better and melt some of the mystique this unicorn of a man oozes all day every day!
His episode is available wherever you get your podcasts and/or YouTube on August 10, 2024. Thanks for your support as always!  Links to all platforms available at show site:  https://www.ihave12questions.com/
#addictionrecovery #addiction #alcoholfree #alcoholism #sobriety #recovery #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #therapy #habits #healing #trauma #recovery #sobercurious #soberish #sobriety #goals #selflove #12stepprograms #recoverysupport #dwi #dui #grief #loss #isolation #religiosity #dogma #inclusion #secularism #agnosticism #tolerance #allarewelcome #freethinkers #secularAA #secularrecovery #yoga #selflove #mentalhealth #lifecoach #goals #mentalhealthawareness #health #fitness #mentalclarity #physicalhealth #longevity #harmreduction #alcoholicsanonymous #womeninrecovery #selfcare #therapyconsciousness #aca

Friday Jul 19, 2024

Happy day sober family and our entire listener community and thanks as always for joining!  Our guest for this episode is someone I have gotten to see from Day 1 in the rooms.  I love her for so many reasons.  I met her at an Austin Women’s Group back in the day and watched her walk through some gnarly life stuff as if getting sober isn’t hard enough already.  I always loved her direct way of being herself, her red hair and her signature bright red lipstick, her Louisiana roots, her love of her family and food and life in general.  She also set a great example for me and others of how to walk through tragedy without running or numbing like we used to.  I am honored and excited to get to explore her experience together today. 
Her episode is available July 19, 2024 wherever you get your podcasts and/or YouTube. Thanks for your support as always!  Links to all platforms available at show site:  https://www.ihave12questions.com/
#addictionrecovery #addiction #alcoholfree #alcoholism #sobriety #recovery #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #therapy #habits #healing #trauma #recovery #sobercurious #soberish #sobriety #goals #selflove #12stepprograms #recoverysupport #dwi #dui #grief #loss #isolation #religiosity #dogma #inclusion #secularism #agnosticism #tolerance #allarewelcome #freethinkers #secularAA #secularrecovery #yoga #selflove #mentalhealth #lifecoach #goals #mentalhealthawareness #health #fitness #mentalclarity #physicalhealth #longevity #harmreduction #alcoholicsanonymous #womeninrecovery #selfcare #therapyconsciousness #aca

Friday Jun 28, 2024

Happy day sober family and our entire listener community and thanks as always for joining!  Our guest for this episode is someone I met in Austin meetings years ago.  I respect and appreciate her for so many reasons.  Her intelligence and free-thinking approach to life intrigued me and every time she shares, I learn something very cool.  I’ve always wanted to know more about her journey, so I am honored and excited to get to explore that here today.  Her name is Kathy West.
Her episode is available wherever you get your podcasts and/or YouTube. Thanks for your support as always!  Links to all platforms available at show site:  https://www.ihave12questions.com/

Friday Apr 12, 2024

Hey sober family and our entire listener community. Today’s guest is someone I don’t know personally which always makes for a different kind of interview.  Anyone who hangs out in the rooms inevitably hears people’s stories because we have speaker meetings often.  They remind us of what it was like, what happened and what it’s like now.  I love exploring people with fresh eyes, it is such a gift.  No internet research or history of hearing them share over the years in the rooms.  A new experience for me and for you. 
Her episode will be available on Friday, April 12 wherever you get your podcasts and/or YouTube. Thanks for your support as always!
Links to all platforms available at show site:  https://www.ihave12questions.com/
#addictionrecovery #addiction #alcoholfree #alcoholism #sobriety #recovery #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #therapy #habits #healing #trauma #recovery #sobercurious #soberish #sobriety #goals #selflove #alcoholicsanonymous #12stepprograms #recoverysupport #dwi #dui #grief #loss #isolation #community #grouptherapy #support


About Your Host 

Amanda Patton

As long as I can remember I've been a restless spirit - even as a child.  I had so many questions and observations that seemed odd to most people.  And I recall feeling alone even when surrounded by people.  Living in my head where I could make things make sense, or so I thought.  This "ism" has pulled me up to some incredible vistas and allowed for my survival.  It has also dragged me down some very destructive roads.

I am enthusiastic about emotional expansion.  I've had to do (am still doing) my own healing and recovery from all kinds of people, places, things and ideas.  With the help of many, many people, mostly women, and my incredible family, I've been building on a new perspective over the past decade or so.  It has changed everything and I am compelled to share it in hopes it will help someone else.  For years I've stayed logical, practical, in my head space to pay the bills and protect my independence and my heart.  To my detriment as it turns out.  Now, I'm living out of my heart space.  That low hum of anxiety and grayness I've experienced is a result of not being aligned with my passion. 

I'm stepping back into the light after literally 3+ years in hermit mode.  Pushing away relationships, noise, activity and anything else that got between me, my spirituality and healing.  I needed to sit with all the pain and did not want to.  It was a lonely time and also really hard, but absolutely critical in my ascension and I see that now. Colors are brighter, divine timing is my guide, surrender is a blessing rather than a punishment and the things that used to define me are falling away to make way for freedom.  The kind that happens in our inner worlds.

Losing my Pop to cancer in September of 2022 was the final piece of that season and it broke me open and woke me up in ways I'll never be able to fully express or understand.  I'm ready now to heed my intuition and pursue what matters to me.  This podcast is the first step. 

I really hope you'll come along.  There is a community of people waiting to receive you just the way you are right now.  


You are the sky. Everything else – it's just the weather. ~ Pema Chödrön


The doors to the world of the wild Self are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door. ~ Clarissa Pinkola Estés


“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” ~ Fred Rogers


“I believe in recovery, and as a role model I have the responsibility to let young people know that you can make a mistake and come back from it.” ~ Ann Richards


“Stand up straight and realize who you are. That you tower over your circumstances. You are a child of God. Stand up straight.” ~ Maya Angelou


"Pain is the fuel of revolution." ~ Glennon Doyle


“My identity shifted when I got into recovery. That’s who I am now, and it actually gives me greater pleasure to have that identity than to be a musician or anything else, because it keeps me in a manageable size.” ~ Eric Clapton


“When I dare to be powerful — to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” ~ Audre Lorde


"When you put love out in the world it travels, and it can touch people and reach people in ways that we never even expected." ~ Laverne Cox


“If you’re not in the arena also getting your ass kicked, I’m not interested in your feedback.” ~ Brene Brown


 "To us, the Realm of Spirit is broad, roomy, all inclusive; never exclusive or forbidding to those who earnestly seek." ~ Alcoholics Anonymous

A Few of My Favorite Do Gooders to Support!


Jeremiah Program


Austin Animal Center (AAC)





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